Category Archives: Family

Life & Creativity Update

I could apologize and make excuses for what a terrible blogger I’ve been, with such poor consistency. My last post was months ago!

But I’m not going to do that.

What I am going to say is that I am having fun exploring different creative outlets and overall feeling very productive. My Facebook Group about Minimalism, Chasing Simple, has taken off and people seem to really be getting a lot out of it! It has been great to stay focused with a group of people on the same journey towards simplicity.

My sister and I have recently started a YouTube Channel called The Simplicity Sisters and it has been so fun to build something together. We’ve been so grateful for the enthusiastic response and we’ve had a lot of great interaction in the comments.  We’d love to have you check it out here!

Of all years, 2020 seems to be the best possible time to homeschool and I am very grateful that we have continued on this path. My twin girls are now 14 and my son is 8. Every year is a new challenge and this one is no different. Except it is really, really different because everything is different during a worldwide pandemic. There are ups and downs, but we are getting through day by day. I guess that’s really all any of us can do at this point.

Probably the nicest thing to happen to us in 2020 is bringing home our Bernedoodle puppy, Elphie. The kids have loved having a puppy for the first time and we have loved the easy going, hyperallergenic qualities of her breed!

That’s all for now.

All the BEST deals for Amazon Prime Day!

The following post contains affiliate links. 

Hi everyone!

Even though most of you know I’m more of a Minimalist these days, I still consider deal hunting one of my favorite sports. When I do make purchases, I want them to be the best items at the best possible prices! I’ve spent a couple hours checking out most of the deals available today for Prime Day, and I’m here to share the best I have found, so keep reading for the deal scoop!

8 Quart Instant Pot $89.99

Ya’ll know that I looooove my Instant Pot and this model is bigger and better than mine! $89.99 is absolutely the best price on record and I doubt we will see it again until (maybe) Black Friday. If you are remotely interested in an Instant Pot, now is your chance!

Great Shoes for the whole Family!

There are some awesome shoe deals available for the entire family! Click here for athletic and outdoor shoes up to 50% off! Check out the selection, including great brands like Keen, New Balance, Adidas, Saucony, Skechers, Teva and more!

Jeans for the Whole Family!

Even though I tend to buy a lot of our jeans at the thrift stores, these deals are awesome and start at only $3.87! Brands include True Religion, Lucky Jeans, Levis, Lees and my very favorite brand, Not Your Daughter’s Jeans (NYDJ). Get stocked up for the back to school season, before the shopping rush is on!

There are so many deals today that I truly don’t have time to list them, but I suggest clicking through and taking a look for yourself! 

Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day to my daddy Alan who led me to Jesus as we sat together in an orange recliner over twenty-five years ago. No gift could ever be as precious as that, but he has loved me every day of my life and showed it through actions and words. And sometimes by making fun of me.  Despite the loss of his own father as a young child he has been the ultimate example of a supportive and committed parent to his four children. He also loves his four grandchildren with the blinding light of a thousand suns.

Happy Father’s Day to the strong and godly men that have been a light in my life: Mr. Gerald who gave me a deeper understanding of God’s character than I ever had before and has always encouraged me. Mark, my father-in-law, who has shown me kindness since Day One and takes advantage of time with his grandchildren to really get to know them.

Happy Father’s Day to the amazing man who is father to my children: Craig Prescott I love you and praise God for your love for your family!
And here is the kids’ poem to their Daddy:

On this very special day

We have a lot to say

We’re thankful for you

And all that you do

You go to work before the sun

We know your office ain’t that fun

Some days you’re the only one

To stay till all the work is done

At home you press on without rest

Helping us to do our best

Mowing, cleaning, cooking too

Sometimes it seems that’s all you do

Clayton loves the star wars play

You do it almost every day!

You often win at Monopoly deal

But you still care about how we feel

You read to us and make us laugh

You give the dog a bubble bath

You teach us lots and lots of facts

You pay the bills and all the tax

Daddy, we love you and we pray

You have a Happy Father’s Day


Your family

Dear Target,

Dear Target,

Yep, it’s me, your old friend Leah. I remember shopping at your store when I was a little girl, before you got your makeover and became the trendy discount alternative that you are today. When I got married, I registered at Target. When I had babies, I registered at Target. My Target card is the only store credit card I own. The cartwheel App is on my IPhone and I share Target deals on Facebook frequently. When I was a bleary-eyed mama to baby twins and could barely put one foot in front of the other, I clicked their Graco carseats (from Target) into their stroller (from Target) and I went to Target. My fussy babies seemed distracted by the bright colors and friendly voices. Somehow I felt like my life would go back to normal, as I did something normal with all the other normal folks pushing their red carts from aisle to aisle.


It became a joke on the weekends that my husband just knew he would end up having to go with me there for one thing or the other. I have reviewed and raved about your store brands (your baby wipes are the only ones I will use), I have blogged about my love for your company and I’ve snapped selfies of myself as I enjoy a blissful child-free trip to your store. Your store associates know me, my house is full of white and red handled bags, and my children can navigate your toy department better than some of the employees. And all that was before you added a Starbucks.

I am not alone. Target has become the retail home away from home for many enthusiastic shoppers, and a particular favorite for moms. I constantly run into friends at Target. I have always felt catered to, appreciated, and included at your store. I love you, Target!

When I saw your announcement about the bathroom policy this week, I felt like I had been slapped in the face. Slapped in the face by a friend, no less. A place I had felt welcomed, a place beloved and familiar had just made a change that would alienate thousands of their loyal customers. This has nothing to do with politics or even religion. It is just about common decency, common sense, and public safety. I have no problem sharing a bathroom with a transgender woman. I’ll pass her the paper towels just like I will for any other woman. But opening the bathroom door to male or female regardless of biological sex based on their claim of identity is dangerous.

I had just started letting my nine year old girls go together into some bathrooms, but I am still nervous. Strangers are strangers after all, male or female. With the protected opportunity of entering a female public restroom you are giving a gift to the community; the predator community, which is sadly much larger than the transgender community. Now every customer is vulnerable. Any crime that is committed in a Target dressing room or bathroom will be clouded with confusion because the space is now virtually unisex. There is no way of gauging a person’s motives or thoughts and now it will be harder to prove the guilt of any man because he has been invited to a space where women and children are most vulnerable.  The countless women who have been sexually assaulted and abused by men will now feel like they are being victimized all over again during a simple shopping trip. In effort to show compassion and inclusion to a few, you have alienated a huge group of parents and women. I hope it’s worth it.

I have never participated in a boycott and I didn’t expect to, but this issue is too big, too dangerous to ignore. I will be going to Target today. I will be returning the merchandise that I have at home brand new and unused. I will be deleting my cartwheel app. I will be cutting up my RedCard. I will have to explain to my children why we may be shopping at Walmart, which none of us will enjoy.

Dear Target, I love you. I will even forgive you. But I can’t be around you when you are making such dangerous life choices. Please write if you change your mind.


Leah Prescott

Real Mac & Cheese in the Instant Pot

This post contains affiliate links. As always, I only recommend products I truly believe in or desperately want to try.

This is a crazy easy alternative to boxed mac and cheese.

While it’s not a health food, it is REAL food with real ingredients and definitely tastier than the microwave version.

And guess what you cook it in? That’s right…my favorite thing: the Instant Pot (affiliate link). Are you tired of hearing about this appliance yet? Sorry….not sorry. I can’t help raving about something that saves me SO much time. *note: if you want a normal size portion, you are going to want to half this. I supersize everything.

Real Mac & Cheese Instantly

5 cups elbow macaroni noodles

4 cups water

2 cups half and half (or whole milk)

2 tsp salt

1 tsp pepper

1 tsp dry mustard

1/2 tsp nutmeg

4 tbls. butter

1 cup half and half (or whole milk)

5 cups shredded cheddar cheese

Spray the inner pot with cooking spray and stir in 5 cups uncooked noodles, 4 cups water, 2 cups half & half, 2 tsp salt, 1 tsp pepper, 1 tsp dry mustard and 1/2 tsp nutmeg. Give it all a good stir, close the pot and seal the vent. Push manual 7 minutes or HIGH pressure 7 Minutes depending on your model. When the timer beeps, do a quick pressure release (QPR). (be careful, this spurts up pretty high so I throw a dishtowel over it.) Next stir in 4 tbls. butter, 1 cup of half & half, and 5 cups of shredded cheese.

That’s it….shouldn’t take more than 25 minutes from start to finish. Enjoy!

Sibling Day

Sunday was Sibling Day, and on that day my sister and her husband gave me an unexpected gift. They let me join them for the birth of my nephew. It was a scary, sweet, and breathtaking moment that I will never forget. The experience gave me a new appreciation for almost EVERYONE. I appreciated my mama, for going through that four times. I appreciated my dad for being with her and caring for her. I appreciated my sister for letting me step into that private moment and for her amazing strength and calm. I appreciated her husband for being there for her with so much love. Also, my appreciation for my husband is magnified because I truly didn’t understand the enormity of experiencing childbirth as the support person (I wasn’t even in that role myself, just observing it really). Now I understand a little bit better how that must feel.


I am sure I will soon post again about my sweet nephew Han. I am overwhelmed with amazement. He is so precious, beautiful, smart and strong. I am also amused at my desire to tell everyone, even strangers, about this new addition to our family. (I have seen this second hand, but never experienced this myself.) Happy Birth week, dear baby Han! And thank you Caroline for the best sibling gift ever!